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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size
    R1400 DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect Bulk reagent
    R1401-1 DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect Swab Collection Tube Individual Unit
    R1400-E DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect - DX Bulk Reagent
    R1401-1-E DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect Swab Collection Tube - DX Individual Unit


    • Eliminates the need for RNA (or DNA) extraction, allowing for rapid, direct, cost-effective analysis of samples
    • No inhibition of real-time PCR
    • Reduces sample viscosity to minimize pipetting errors with automated liquid handlers
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ


    Product Description

    DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect is a reagent that allows users to go from sample collection directly to PCR. DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect safeguards viral genomes (nucleic acids) from degradation and provides ambient temperature collection and transportation of samples without the need for nucleic acid extraction.*

    *DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect does not inactivate pathogens. For inactivating transport media, see DNA/RNA Shield.


    Technical Specifications

    Applicable For RT-PCR, COVID-19 Testing
    Reagent Storage Ambient temperature => 1 year
    Sample Collection Swab (1 swab/mL), Saliva (50% v/v)
    Sample Source Saliva, oral (and nasal) specimen
    Sample Stability Ambient Temperature (4°C-25°C)
    < 1 week


    No, these are two separate reagents. Once a sample is collected in DNA/RNA Shield it cannot bypass extraction, it must be collected in DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect in order to work as advertised.

    No, DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect does not inactivate pathogens while DNA/RNA Shield does. Additionally, DNA/RNA Shield DirectDetect preserves nucleic acid for one week, while DNA/RNA Shield preserves RNA for at least 30 days and DNA for at least 2 years.

    "In India, where testing supplies and vaccinations are difficult to obtain, testing is imperative to diagnosing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. While many biotechnology and testing suppliers have tended to concentrate on their domestic testing efforts, we appreciate Zymo Research's global humanitarian effort to help eradicate COVID-19."

    Anu Acharya

    Founder and CEO of Mapmygenome

    "DNA/RNA Shield - DirectDetect enables countries seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases to perform COVID-19 testing without extraction; therefore, removing the barrier of limited extraction resources. It's our way of providing humanitarian support to people in need. We teamed up with Mapmygenome because of their ability to rapidly deploy and analyze RT-PCR testing."

    Dr. Marc Van Eden

    Vice President of Business Development at Zymo Research

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