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    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    DNA Clean & Concentrator-500

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size
    D4031 DNA Clean & Concentrator-500 10 Preps
    D4032 DNA Clean & Concentrator-500 20 Preps


    • Simple, rapid recovery of ultra-pure DNA from PCR, endonuclease digestions, and cell-free DNA preps, etc.
    • Unique column construction allows sample loading and washing to be performed using a centrifuge, microcentrifuge, or vacuum source.
    • Eluted DNA is well suited for use in PCR, DNA sequencing, DNA ligation, endonuclease digestion, RNA transcription, radiolabeling, arrays, etc.
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    Product Description

    The DNA Clean & Concentrator-500 (DCC-500) is our highest capacity PCR purification kit of the DNA Clean & Concentrator products. It is designed for the rapid, large format purification and concentration of up to 500 µg of high quality DNA from samples such as large-scale restriction endonuclease digestions and crude DNA preparations. Eluted DNA is well suited for use in PCR, DNA sequencing, DNA transfection, DNA ligation, endonuclease digestion, RNA transcription, radiolabeling, etc. The entire DNA purification/concentration procedure typically takes less than 20 minutes.


    Technical Specifications

    Detergent Tolerance ≤5% Triton X-100, ≤5% Tween-20, ≤5% Sarkosyl, ≤0.1% SDS
    Elution Volume ≥ 2 ml
    Equipment Microcentrifuge and centrifuge or vacuum source.
    Purity Highly purified DNA is eluted with water and is especially well suited for sequencing, ligation reactions, and restriction endonuclease digestions.
    Sample Source DNA from large-scale sample sources including restriction endonuclease digestions and "crude" DNA preparations from cell-free lysates.
    Size Range 50 bp to 23 kb
    Yield ≤ 500 µg total DNA can be recovered. For DNA 50 bp to 10 kb the recovery is 70-95%. For DNA 11 kb to 23 kb the recovery is 50-70%.


    Working with volumes below 50 µl can result in decreased recovery. We recommend raising the starting volume to 100 µl with water to ensure optimal binding conditions.

    Oversaturation of the column can result in total DNA loss due to clogging of silica matrix.

    We recommend no more than 5 times as binding efficiency might decrease.

    Add an equal volume of ethanol (95-100%) to the sample and mix well. The sample is ready-to-bind and does not require DNA Binding Buffer. Proceed to Step 1.

    Picogram levels of DNA can be recovered. The limitation is based on sensitivity of detection method.

    The DNA will be eluted off the column. Rebind samples using the appropriate amount of DNA Binding Buffer and wash the column with the properly prepared wash buffer.

    Cat # Name Size
    D3004-4-16 DNA Elution Buffer 16 ml
    D3004-4-50 DNA Elution Buffer 50 ml
    D4003-1-L DNA Binding Buffer 50 ml
    D4003-2-24 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 24 ml
    D4004-1-L DNA Binding Buffer 100 ml
    D4003-2-48 DNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 48 ml
    C1013-10 Zymo-Spin VI Columns 10 Pack
    C1013-20 Zymo-Spin VI Columns 20 Pack

    “I sampled this kit next to a kit we already use. I had three of the same sample, two for the Zymo kit and one for the other. On one of the ones designated for your kit, I accidentally added the sample directly to the column filter, then added other reagents (I figured I might as well try it). The other I did as per the instructions. The one on which I goofed gave a similar purification and concentration as the other kit, while the one I did properly yielded approximately four times the DNA per µL as the other kit. I am very happy with this result, and when I rerun my samples, I plan to use your product.”

    - Rosalind P. (University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)

    “Almost no loss of elution buffer at the final step. It is quite impressive compared to the other kits I have used, which lose about 5-7µl.”

    - Joseph R. (Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami)

    “It was a very simple procedure and it gave a concentration ten times the original amount.”

    - Kimberly M. (University of Pennsylvania)

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