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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Quick-DNA/RNA Pathogen Miniprep

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size
    R1042 Quick-DNA/RNA Pathogen Miniprep 50 Preps
    R1043 Quick-DNA/RNA Pathogen Miniprep 200 Preps


    • Spin-column purification of pathogen (virus, bacteria, protozoa) DNA/RNA from a wide variety of vectors (mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, etc.) and tissue types (mammals, birds, etc.) stored in DNA/RNA Shield™.
    • DNA/RNA is ready for any sensitive downstream applications (e.g., Next-Gen sequencing, RT/PCR, etc.)
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    Product Description

    Quick-DNA/RNA Pathogen Miniprep kit is a spin-column based purification of pathogen (virus, bacteria, protozoa) DNA and RNA from a wide variety of vectors (mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, etc.) and tissue types (mammals, birds, etc.) collected, transported and stored in DNA/RNA Shield™. The kit features a storage/lysis buffer system and can be combined with high density ZR BashingBead™ Lysis Tubes (optional) to facilitate complete homogenization of hard-to-lyse samples for efficient nucleic acid isolation. Small (>50 nt) and large (>200 kb) DNA and RNA are bound to Zymo-Spin™ IIC Columns, washed and then eluted. The isolated high-quality nucleic acids are suitable for all downstream applications such as Next-Gen sequencing, hybridization-based and RT/PCR detection.


    Technical Specifications

    Equipment Microcentrifuge
    Purity DNA/RNA is ready for any sensitive downstream applications (e.g., Next-Gen sequencing, RT/PCR, etc.)
    Sample Source Vectors (mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, other tough-to-lyse insects) and tissue types (animal tissue, plants, other hosts) processed and stored in DNA/RNA Shield™.
    Size Range 50 nt to ~200 kb
    Yield 50 µg DNA/RNA binding capacity (spin-column), ≥25 µl elution volume


    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.

    Cat # Name Size
    R1100-50 DNA/RNA Shield 50 ml
    R1100-250 DNA/RNA Shield 250 ml
    W1001-10 DNase/RNase-Free Water 10 ml
    W1001-4 DNase/RNase-Free Water 4 ml
    R1042-1-100 Pathogen DNA/RNA Buffer 100 ml
    R1042-1-50 Pathogen DNA/RNA Buffer 50 ml
    R1042-2-48 Pathogen DNA/RNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 48 ml
    R1042-2-6 Pathogen DNA/RNA Wash Buffer (Concentrate) 6 ml
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack
    C1078-50 Zymo-Spin IICR Columns 50 Pack

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