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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    ZR BAC DNA Miniprep Kit

    Bioz Citation Badge
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size
    D4048 ZR BAC DNA Miniprep Kit 25 Preps
    D4049 ZR BAC DNA Miniprep Kit 100 Preps


    • High Purity: Purify endotoxin-free BAC/PAC plasmid DNA (up to ~200 kb) for sequencing, PCR, restriction endonuclease digestion, etc.
    • Colored Buffers: P1, P2, and P3 buffers are colored for easy visualization of complete lysis and neutralization
    • Unique column design: Zero buffer retention and low elution volume (10 µl)
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    Product Description

    The ZR BAC DNA Miniprep Kit efficiently isolates BAC plasmid DNA or other large plasmids (e.g., PAC) from E. Coli using a procedure that is simple, rapid, user-friendly, and reliable. It features a modified alkaline lysis protocol with color-coded reagents that allow easy visualization of complete bacterial cell lysis and neutralization. The innovative Zymo-Spin™ IC-XL columns are optimized for high yield, endotoxin-free plasmid DNA recovery. BAC DNA purified using the ZR BAC DNA Miniprep Kit is ideal for sequencing, PCR, endonuclease digestion, etc.


    Technical Specifications

    Applicable For Transfection, transformation, sequencing, restriction endonuclease digestion, PCR, in vitro transcription, and other sensitive applications.
    Elution Volume ≥ 10 µl
    Equipment Microcentrifuge
    Processing Time 15 min
    Purity Typical Abs 260/280 ≥ 1.8 and Abs 260/230 ≥ 2.0
    Size Range Up to ~200 kb
    Yield Up to 10 µg per preparation, depending on the plasmid copy number, initial volume of E. Coli culture processed, and culture growth conditions. The typical yield is 1 µg per 3 ml of culture.


    Yes, the RNase A is fairly stable at room temperature, but we recommend placing it in 4 °C as soon as possible to ensure optimal performance throughout the life span of the product.

    Cat # Name Size
    D3004-4-16 DNA Elution Buffer 16 ml
    D3004-4-1 DNA Elution Buffer 1 ml
    D4036-3-60 Endo-Wash Buffer 60 ml
    D4036-3-15 Endo-Wash Buffer 15 ml
    D4036-3-30 Endo-Wash Buffer 30 ml
    D4036-3-6 Endo-Wash Buffer 6 ml
    D4027-1-10 Buffer P1 (Red) 10 ml
    D4027-1-160 Buffer P1 (Red) 160 ml
    D4027-1-80 Buffer P1 (Red) 80 ml
    D4027-2-10 Buffer P2 (Green) 10 ml
    D4027-1-20 Buffer P1 (Red) 20 ml
    D4027-4-6 Plasmid Wash Buffer 6 ml
    D4027-4-48 Plasmid Wash Buffer 48 ml
    D4027-4-24 Plasmid Wash Buffer 24 ml
    D4027-3-50 Buffer P3 (Yellow) 50 ml
    D4027-4-12 Plasmid Wash Buffer 12 ml
    D4027-3-220 Buffer P3 (Yellow) 220 ml
    D4027-3-440 Buffer P3 (Yellow) 440 ml
    D4027-2-80 Buffer P2 (Green) 80 ml
    D4027-3-12 Buffer P3 (Yellow) 12 ml
    D4027-2-20 Buffer P2 (Green) 20 ml
    D4027-2-160 Buffer P2 (Green) 160 ml
    D3004-4-4 DNA Elution Buffer 4 ml
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack
    C1002-25 Zymo-Spin IC-XL 25 Pack
    C1002-50 Zymo-Spin IC-XL 50 Pack

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