Did you know that all Zymo Research products come with free access to our expert Technical Support Team? Whether you’re troubleshooting protocols, exploring new applications, or need a quick product suggestion, our dedicated scientists are here to help. In this blog, we sit down with our Technical Support Manager to answer the top five frequently asked questions about our Support Team and learn how they’ve earned a 95% satisfaction rating.

1. What can Zymo Research’s Technical Support help me with?1. Services Offered

When you connect with our technical team, our goal is to always provide experiences that are prompt, detailed, and courteous.

How Can We Support You?
Question Type Can We Answer It?
Product Selection
Protocol Clarification & Walk-Through
Working with Unique Samples
Product for Testing and Evaluation
Troubleshooting & Optimization
Workflow Building & Integration
Scaling & High-Throughput Options

2. Who is part of the Technical Support Team?2. Support Team Members

Our team is comprised of R&D Scientists and Researchers who have first-hand experience using our products and implementing them in a wide variety of molecular biology applications. This is us!

United States Teams:

Zymo Research technical support team posing for a photo Zymo Research technical support team posing for a photo

European Team:

Zymo Research Europe technical support team posing for a photo

3. How can I get in contact with the Technical Support Team?3. Contact Information

There are various options depending on preference and urgency of your inquiry.

U.S. flag United States Customers:

Hours of operation are Monday – Friday (8 am – 5 pm PST)

Website Submission Form
Email Address: tech@zymoresearch.com
Phone Number: (888) 882-9682 Ext. 3

EU flag European Customers:

Hours of operation are Monday – Friday (8 am – 5 pm CET)

Email Address: tech@zymoresearch.de
Phone Number: +49 (0)761 600 6871 71

The globe icon International Customers (outside of Europe):

Hours of operation are Monday – Friday (8 am – 5 pm PST)

Email Address: techintl@zymoresearch.com
Phone Number: (888) 882-9682 Ext. 3

4. Do you have any resources for inquiries related to laboratory automation?4. Automation Resources

Absolutely! We have a dedicated Laboratory Automation Support team that can assist with scripting, integration, and kit evaluations on the most popular automated instruments such as Hamilton, Tecan, KingFisher, Opentrons, etc.

Automation Solutions Page
Email Address: automation@zymoresearch.com
Description below

ThermoFisher Scientific, Microlab STAR™ from Hamilton Company, Fluent® from Tecan, IsoPure™ from Accuris, and Opentrons FLEX™ from Opentrons

5. What have others said about their Technical Support experience?5. Testimonials

We are proud to be able to provide high-quality support that can help anyone make their research simpler and easier. Here are some data points of how others have rated their experience working with us:

Yellow diagram with percentages of satisfaction from customers, from 678 researchers, 96% found answers for their questions informative and helpful, 95% rated their experience as excellent, 86% found it easy to connect with Zymo's staffs

Example Testimonials:

“I only started using Zymo recently, but now I try to use it for all my kits, specifically because the tech support is so good. I have called a couple of times, and the help has always been excellent. Thank you! It really helps my experiments.” – Katharina M., Mueller Lab at UMass Chan Medical School
“I always appreciate in-depth practical details I could get from Tech Support. Zymo is one of the rare companies that I can get great quality products with great support!” – Noriko I., Baudry Lab at The University of Alabama in Huntsville
“The ZYMO Tech Support Team has been more than amenable to our questions. We are grateful for the valuable suggestions they have made regarding our extraction protocol and look forward to working with ZYMO on our upcoming projects!” - Alex L., Moore Lab at The University of Arizona Arthropod Systematics

How can we help you today?6. Submission Form

Explore some of our most popular products and services here.

Feel free to submit any of your questions below.
Thank you!

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