Simple 20 Second E. coli Transformations

Mix & Go! Competent Cells
>1 houron transformations
Up to
109transformants/µg plasmid
Available in
5premade strains
(DH5 Alpha and more)
The Mix & Go! Transformation Workflow

Save >1 Hour on Competent Cell Preparation

Mix & Go! competent cells eliminate heat shock, lengthy incubations and outgrowth procedures* needed for a standard bacterial transformation process. Just mix DNA with cells for a few seconds and then spread on plate.
* ampicillin selection only
High Transformation Efficiency

Premade Mix & Go! competent cells achieve high transformation efficiency (up to 109 transformants/µg plasmid) and feature fast transformation kinetics. Transform E. coli strains such as DH5 Alpha, JM109, and more in 20 seconds. No heat shock, no lengthy incubations, no outgrowth procedures, no wait!
Unrivaled Technology
Prepare Highly Competent E. coli from Any Strain
The Mix and Go! Transformation Kit

The Mix & Go! transformation kit simplifies competent cell preparation to an easy 3-step protocol that takes only 45 minutes. Any E. coli strain (DH5α, BL21, HB101, JM109, TOP10, XL-1 Blue, XL10 Gold, Zymo10B/DH10B, TG1, ccdB survival, Stbl2, Stbl3, and more…) can be prepared as highly competent cells.
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The Best Competent Cells
“The fastest competent cells. Revolutionary! Mix & Go! has shortened the process.”
“It is really easy to make, and the transfection efficiency is higher than what I would get from the homemade competent cells.”
“Great transformation efficiency, save so much time from the traditional transformation protocol, awesome!”
YL (Caltech)

Mix & Go! competent cells are the best method for transformation of E. coli. Whether using premade competent cells (such as DH5 Alpha or JM109) or producing your own using the Mix & Go! transformation kit, the preparation of chemically competent cells is simplified and optimized for high transformation efficiency.
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Mix and Go! Competent Cells - DH5 Alpha

Mix & Go! Kits Product Description
Mix & Go! E. coli are premade chemically competent cells used for simple and highly efficient DNA transformation. These E. coli are made chemically competent by a unique procedure that eliminates the need for heat shock and related procedures. This method simplifies the bacterial transformation process, as DNA can be added directly to Mix & Go! competent cells and the mixture spread directly on a culture plate with no heat shock or lengthy incubation steps (when using plasmids containing ampicillin-resistant markers). Transformation efficiencies typically range from 108 -109 transformants/µg of pUC19 DNA into strains like DH5α, which make the cells optimal for general molecular cloning, sub-cloning, plasmid isolation, library construction, blue/white screening, M13 cloning and sequencing, etc. Mix & Go! competent cells are well cited in many disciplines and applications such as synthetic biology1, gene expression2, immunology3,4, transgenic organisms5, and microbiology6.
Mix & Go! competent cells are supplied as a pack of 10 convenient 100 µl/tube aliquots or in a 96-well format (12 x 8-tube strips or PCR plate) of 50 µl aliquots. The premade competent cells are available as strains DH5α, JM109, Zymo 10B/DH10B, HB101 and TG1. Alternatively, any E. coli strain (DH5α, BL21, HB101, JM109, TOP10, XL-1 Blue, XL10 Gold, Zymo10B/DH10B, TG1, ccdB survival, Stbl2, Stbl3, and more…) can be made into Mix & Go! competent cells in only 45 minutes using the three easy steps of the Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit and Buffer Set.
- Synthetic Biology - Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit & Buffer Set was used to make competent cells that were transformed with plasmids from Golden Gate assembly reactions used to produce high-throughput TALEN libraries. Chao, R, et al. “Fully Automated One-Step Synthesis of Single-Transcript TALEN Pairs Using a Biological Foundry” ACS Synthetic Biology, 6(4): 678-685 (2017).
- Gene Expression - Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit & Buffer Set was used to make competent cells that aided in the development of a novel CRISPR-Cas system for DNA-based storage of transcriptional information in E. coli. Schmidt, F, et al. “Transcriptional recording by CRISPR spacer acquisition from RNA” Nature, 562: 380-385 (2018).
- Immunology – Mix & Go! Competent Cells (DH5-alpha) assisted in the characterization of antibodies with neutralizing activity to the Plasmodium falciparum parasite. Alanine, DGW, et al. “Human antibodies that slow erythrocyte invasion potentiate malaria-neutralizing antibodies” Cell, 178: 216-228 (2019).
- Immunology - Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit and Buffer Set helped identify several variable heavy chains of antibodies from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)-infected camels that are specific for MERS-CoV and efficiently block virus entry. Raj, VS et al. “Chimeric camel/human heavy-chain antibodies protect against MERS-CoV infection” Science Advances, 4(8) (2018).
- Transgenics - Mix & Go! Competent Cells (DH5-alpha) assisted in the development of a highly efficient CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing method for creating knock-in and conditional knockout mouse models using Easi-CRISPR. Miura, H, et al. “Easi-CRISPR protocol for creating knock-in and conditional knockout mouse models using long ssDNA donors” Nature Protocols, 13(1): 195-215 (2018).
- Microbiology - Mix & Go! Competent Cells were used to produce retroviral constructs that facilitated the discovery of a unique relationship between microbial colonization and regulation of T-cell apoptosis. Soto, R, et al. “Microbiota promotes systemic T-cell survival through suppression of an apoptotic factor” PNAS, 114(21): 5497-5502 (2017).